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Expired Articles
  Our Christmas Carol service held on Tuesday, the 21st December 2010 went well and are blessed this year with our Presiding Bishop Most Rev. Dr. C. V. Mathew visiting Kuwait for the season. It was a delightful occasion with the melodious carol singing of our choir and with the blessed message from Thirumeni focusing on the Spirits of the Christmas. Our Vicar Rev. Prakash Mathew led the service. Thirumeni also participated in the KTMCC carol service today.

Following are the upcoming events during Thirumeni’s visit :-

24-12-2010 Friday –

At 9.30 AM - Worship service and thereafter a reception in the honour of the Presiding Bishop at United Indian School Auditorium,

26-12-2010 Sunday

At 6.30 PM – Combined Sevini Samajam Meeting at Parsonage

28-12-2010 Tuesday

At 6.30 PM – Worship service & Holy Communion at NECK – South Tent.

During this meeting our following children wish to take their confirmation:

1) Anna John D/o John C. Varghese

2) Beven Abraham Koshy S/o Boney K. Abraham

3) Gladgy Mathews S/o Mathew George

4) Jackcy Susan Johnson – D/o Johnson John C.

5) Rino Alex S/o Roy Alexander

6) Rioshan Alex S/o Roy Alexander

And two children wish to take Baptism

1) Tania Elsa Thomas D/o Thomas John M

2) Benji Thomas S/o Thomas John M

30-12-2010 Thursday

At 7.00 PM – A retreat at NECK Church Hall – on the subject “ LEAVING A LEGACY”

31-12-2010 – Friday

At 9.30 AM – A special Youth Meeting at HiDine Hall

At 6.30 PM – Year ending service at NECK – South tent


3/31/2010 Some forthcoming events related to our parish







May our Lord help us to partake in the sufferings of the Lord at least in a small way by denying a meal or two a day during this Passion Week and so save the money for the furtherance of the Gospel. The money you save by forsaking a meal or two a day will help us to feed an evangelist in Orissa, Gujarat, Malabar or High Ranges of Kerala where many haven’t heard the Gospel. Is it not a right way to partake with our Lord in His sufferings



1/1/2010 Prayer Subjects

Please pray for our Ex- member Rogen (Pulithanam Edavaka) he has lost his one eye sight and is gradully affecting the next eye. Please uphold him in your prayers. Prayer Subjects:

Pray for India specially for Orissa and Bihar, MP & Kerala.

Please pray for P.M. Varghese Uncle he is still under Dialysis.

Please pray Davidson (P.S. John's brothers grand son)at Sharja suffering from cancer.

Pray for Thankamma (our member Alexander Chandy's sister) who is in a critical stage.

Our Member Mrs. Ruby Thomas George shortly leaving Kuwait for good, letus uphold Ruby in our prayers. Vicar & the Executive Committee Members & Members of STECI Kuwait Parish Wish her all the success.



The Holy Bible consisting of 66 books is the sole authority for all matters concerning our faith and doctrines. So our Church [STECI] also believes in the royal priesthood of all those who have accepted Christ as their personal savior (1Pe 2:9). All the born again Christians got direct access to His mercy seat through His sacrificial death. Because He has accomplished three important elements of priesthood on the cross of cal very; such as - (1) SACRIFICIAL ELEMENTS ;( 2)THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE; and (3)THE PRIESTHOOD MINISTRY AS THE MEDIATORS(Again there is no need of Old Testament type of priesthood ministry since He finished the sacrificial elements and the altar once for all]. According to Protestantism, all of us are royal priests so that we should intercede for one another through prayer, and take responsibility for one anothers salvation by spreading the word of grace and the acts of forgiveness.

Then why our church became Episcopal? What is the need of presbyters in our church? What is the need of different dignitaries (including lay leader, secretary, trustee etc.) in our Church? Let us once again look into Protestantism. Protestant church government has been democratic in tendency. However, there are wide variations. The major forms of church government are Episcopal Polity (in which bishops exercise authority),which is found in the Anglican, Episcopal, and Methodist churches; Presbyterianism (in which presbyters, or elders, are elected to governing bodies as representatives of congregations), found in the Presbyterian and Reformed churches; and Congregationalism (in which the congregation itself is the highest authority), found in Congregational, Baptist, and many other churches. Even though Pradinithi Sabha is the superior body of our church, our church is Episcopal. Because whenever God wants to lead His people, He elects someone with a particular task. Therefore, we should know that every dignitary of His church is a God’s choice as we see in Eph.4:11; 1Cori.12:28; and Heb; 13:17. Acknowledging and respecting each other may bring heavenly foretaste into every church. All of us are royal priests within His order; out side of it, we may be evil gods. We will experience the foretaste of hell in the church.

We have no right to violate His order. Let His name be glorified through our priestly life. May God bless us!


You may contact Vicar / Secretary for any prayer request or announcement to be made in this section - Any clarification on this information's please contact parish Vicar / Secretary - STECI- Kuwait Parish