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St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, Kuwait Parish - Home page **** STECI **** St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, Kuwait Parish - Home page (STECI)

Principal Aim and Objective

STECI affirms that the purpose and work of the church is the stewardship of divine doctrines and teaching, as revealed through Jesus Christ and proclaimed by the Holy Apostles, and preservation of these in their pristine purity and the enrichment of the spirituality of the members of Church.

The uniqueness of Bible

The Holy Bible consisting of 66 books – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament – is the sole authority for all matters concerning our faith and doctrines and that nobody has any authority to add to, or subtract from, the contents of the Bible. In other words, all questions regarding our faith and conduct have to be judged strictly in accordance with the Word of God. We subscribe to the Nicene Creed because it is in conformity with the Word of God.

Missionary Commitment

That is preaching, discipling and Church planting are the main tasks of the Church. The tasks of proclaiming “the Good News” should not be accomplished only by a few full-time evangelists. Each one of us is duty bound to supplement the efforts being made by full-time gospel workers.

Salvation by Grace through faith alone

Our Salvation can be obtained only by grace through faith and not through rituals and good works. When a person confesses his/her sins and believes that Jesus died for his/her sins and that God has raised Jesus from the dead for the salvation of mankind he/she will be saved. This not by any work but by faith.

Royal Priesthood

This Church believes in the royal priesthood of all those who have accepted Christ. No Bishop or clergy or other functionary of the Church can be infallible. All these functionaries are expected to abide strictly by the provisions of the constitution of the Church and the articles of the faith expressly declared at the time of Church was constituted. It may be noted that while the constitution my be amended by complying with its provision, no one has the right to change the above mentioned articles of faith.

Christ the only mediator (why do we not pray to the saints)

Every Christian has the right to communicate directly with our Savior Jesus Christ and no intermediary is necessary or permitted. The Bible teaches that Christ is the one and only mediator between man and God. Therefore, our Church strictly prohibits prayers to the Virgin Mary or the Saints.

Prayers for the Living (Why do not pray for the dead?)

This Church believes that every human being has to decide during his/her lifetime, whether or not to accept Christ. If any one fails to accept Christ during his/her lifetime, the position can in no way be rectified or improved by rituals performed or prayers offered by such person’s children or others after his/her death. The Church forbids prayers for the dead and on the other hand, encourages intercessory prayer for the living. We should pry for, and try to help all people living around us that they may accept Christ during their lifetime.


The Lord’s Supper : This church recognizes the Lord’s supper and Baptism, both instituted by Christ, as the two sacraments obligatory to all Christians. We believe that the bread and wine used in the Lord’s suppler are only the signs and symbols of the body and blood of Christ. We categorically reject the teaching that there is any mysterious or other presence of Christ in the bread and wine. The Lord’s supper is a thanks-offering instituted by the Lord Himself to be observed till His coming, for the faithful to proclaim His death, remember Him, and have communion with Him and fellowship with the other believer.

Baptism : Baptism is the sign of dying for our sins with the Lord, and being resurrected with Him unto the newness of life, and a service of acceptance into the membership of the Church. Those who openly declare their faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized and accepted into the membership of the Church. This Church believes that children of Christian parents (born again) are also part of the Church and this is the reason why parents are allowed to opt for baptizing their children. Baptism can be had only once and therefore, a second baptism is totally unacceptable. Baptized children should be brought up in the Christian faith and they should confess their faith in the Lord openly and be confirmed before completing the age of 14.

If parents desire that their children themselves should confess their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ before they are baptized, they may do so. Such parents should dedicate their children in infancy. Before such children complete the age of 14, they should openly confess their faith in the Lord and be baptized.

Holy Trinity

The Church believes in the Holy Trinity-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

This Church believes (i) in the personal return of Lord Jesus Christ with glory to judge both the living and the dead and (ii) in the final establishment of the kingdom of God in its fullness. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead – the just will rise to life, and the unjust will rise to be condemned.