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St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, Kuwait Parish - Home page **** STECI **** St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, Kuwait Parish - Home page (STECI)

Youth is not only the future, but God’s gift to the Church and society today. St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, Kuwait parish has a good strength of Youths, actively involved in administration as well as in spiritual leadership. Our motive as an entire Youth Group is to engage together our youths of all ages, whether new or old, male or female, in fellowship with each other and fellowship with Jesus Christ. Through this fellowship we can grow not only in strength, but also as individual and in collective faiths.

We hope to build leaders among ourselves for the youths of the future, by cultivating not only our faith and confidence, but also by building our relationships with God and our reliance on Him. As part of the youth committee, we wish to officially welcome all the youths and ask for your participation in all the youth events so that our goals and the goals that we build with God's guidance will be fulfilled.


Throughout every year, the Youth’s Union actively participates in leading the Praise and Worship meeting at the South Tent, NECK Church on every 3rd Friday as per the planned schedule. All the Youth’s Union members actively participate in leading this meeting. Youth’s Union has the region wise rotation cottage prayer meeting on every 4th Friday at 9.30 am. These meetings are the training platform for the youths for the leadership in the church. The Youth’s leads in Praise and Worship as well as short sermons in these meetings and it makes confidence in individuals for the leadership in the church. During the time of Christmas, the Youths leads in the house to house carol rounds. Youth’s Union also supports the church’s different mission fields in India. One of the mission fields is Jedkal in Karnataka state. Every year the Youth’s Union conducts it annual meeting, which is another platform to perform the talents which are given by God to glorify His name.


Further, we are planning to organize the following events in this year.

  1. Competition for the youth and students for various talents

  2. Christmas Choir

  3. Christmas Carol

  4. Camp visit.

  5. Youth’s Union Annual meeting.